Sparse dentition

What is sparse dentition?

When there is extra space between two or more teeth, doctors call it thinning.

What are the effects of dentition thinning?

1. Patients with sparse teeth are often nicknamed and criticized by others, which can easily damage people's self-esteem.

2. The abnormal occlusion makes the facial muscles easy to fatigue, and it can also cause temporomandibular joint disease, which makes the joints make a snapping sound when the mouth is opened and closed, and it will cause symptoms such as pain after a long time.

3. The chewing function is reduced, which increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which is easy to cause indigestion or gastrointestinal diseases, and is detrimental to physical health.

4. Affect pronunciation function. Severe mandibular retraction can affect normal breathing, and severe mandibular protrusion can cause abnormal swallowing.