Adverse effects of malocclusion

Adverse effects of malocclusion in children

affect oral function

Malocclusion will affect the normal functioning of the teeth, such as chewing, swallowing, and pronunciation, and may even affect the normal breathing of children.

increase the burden on the stomach

Due to the reduced chewing function, insufficient chewing of food will increase the burden on the stomach and stomach, affect the absorption of nutrients, and miss the good period of children's growth and development.

Harmful to oral health

Crowded and misplaced teeth will make oral cleaning difficult. Long-term cleaning can easily lead to dental caries and other problems; uneven teeth often cause abnormal occlusal relationship. If not adjusted in time, it is easy to cause teeth, periodontal tissue and temporal Injuries of the mandibular joint.

affect facial development

If tooth deformities are not treated in time, it will affect the development of the soft and hard tissues of the maxillofacial region of the child, which is not conducive to the formation of a good facial shape and affects the appearance.

endanger mental health

Childhood is an important stage of character shaping. Dental deformities may lead to children's inferiority complex, resulting in indelible psychological trauma, and even the formation of character defects.

affect oral function

Malocclusion will affect the normal functioning of the teeth, such as chewing, swallowing, and pronunciation, and may even affect the normal breathing of children.

increase the burden on the stomach

Due to the reduced chewing function, insufficient chewing of food will increase the burden on the stomach and stomach, affect the absorption of nutrients, and miss the good period of children's growth and development.

Harmful to oral health

Crowded and misplaced teeth will make oral cleaning difficult. Long-term cleaning can easily lead to dental caries and other problems; uneven teeth often cause abnormal occlusal relationship. If not adjusted in time, it is easy to cause teeth, periodontal tissue and temporal Injuries of the mandibular joint.

affect facial development

If tooth deformities are not treated in time, it will affect the development of the soft and hard tissues of the maxillofacial region of the child, which is not conducive to the formation of a good facial shape and affects the appearance.

endanger mental health

Childhood is an important stage of character shaping. Dental deformities may lead to children's inferiority complex, resulting in indelible psychological trauma, and even the formation of character defects.